Live Now

Client: Live Now Foundation



We were approached by the Live Now Foundation, which deals with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) patients. ALS is a progressive disease that affects motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord: a person gradually loses the ability to move until he is completely paralyzed. Patients need special devices to communicate with the outside world.
To draw attention to this topic, together with the SALT agency and director Grigory Shelukhin, we developed a concept for a video in which a famous artist would voice the thoughts of the main character, an ALS patient. Actor Pavel Derevyanko agreed to participate in the project, after which the foundation sent us the contacts of several of its wards. So we met with Yura, after talking with whom we realized that he was the hero of our video.
Yura can communicate with people either through a special device or with the help of a computer on which Yura is typing text with his toes. The more we talked with Yura, the more we were amazed at his will to live and his many interests: he blogs about cinema, writes scripts and stories. Yura's thoughts and notes also formed the basis of the script for our video.
Before filming the project, Yura did not leave the house for a long time. An important task for us was to create the necessary conditions on the site and take into account all the nuances for his comfortable and safe stay in the studio. Thanks to many hours of rehearsals with extras, we clearly rehearsed the entire choreography of the scene and camera movements, as a result, the entire video was filmed with just a few takes. Many members of the film crew were greatly impressed by working with Yura - each fully felt how important and necessary it is to convey to people the words of those who have lost the ability to speak with their own voice. If you also could not remain indifferent to the history of Yura and the problem of ALS, you can make a donation on the website of the Live Now Foundation.

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Client: Izvestia